Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) Dispute Resolution, International Business Law Consortium (IBLC) AGM Breakout Session on October 1st, 2020
Caroline Berube, Managing Partner of HJM Asia Law, enjoyed speaking about the Belt and Road Initiative Dispute Resolution at the recent IBLC annual general meeting 2020. Paired with fellow speaker, Paul Hopkins (Partner, Geldards LLP, Cardiff), Caroline shared her views on the topic of online negotiation, mediation and arbitration in light of BRI projects during COVID. The session provided an overview of the BRI and dispute resolution and wrapped up with a discussion on evaluative versus facilitative mediation in resolving BRI disputes. Other panelists included Peter Pang (Chairman and Managing Partner, IPO Pang Xingpu, Shanghai) as commentator, Jeff Leong (Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong, Kuala Lumpur) and Federico Antich (Founder, Studio dell’Avvocato Antich, Firenze).